The Semi-Annual Business Meeting And Management Training In 2021 Came To A Successful Conclusion
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The Semi-Annual Business Meeting And Management Training In 2021 Came To A Successful Conclusion

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-01-01      Origin: Site

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Changzhou Hualian Medical Device Group Co., LTD. 2021 semi-annual business meeting and management training was held in the beautiful Liyang City on July 10-11, 2021. The agenda is divided into two days.

The first day of the agenda: The company invited Mr. Yang Jun from 51job to train senior managers and related employees on "Project Management practical workshop". The training adopts interactive, plane rectangular coordinate system, case analysis and other relevant forms, explaining the project and operation, the three commonalities of the project, the significance of the project to the organization, the relationship between the success of the product and the success of the project management, the key factors to start the project, the advantages and disadvantages of the three basic organizational structures, etc., so that the understanding of the project management from abstract to concrete, from vague to clear. From not knowing that you don't know to not knowing that you know. Everyone interacted and practiced in a cheerful atmosphere, and the students' active performance also allowed them to get rewards from the teacher. After the training, everyone said that they would apply the knowledge they had learned to their usual work and work with the thinking mode of project management.

The second day of the agenda: The 2021 semi-annual business meeting will be presided over by Ms. Zhu Jing, Chairman and General manager.

At the meeting, the heads of each department reported the completion of the work of the department in the first half of the year, analyzed the problems existing in the work, proposed solutions, and planned the work arrangement for the second half of the year.

Chairman and general manager Zhu Jing made a summary of the meeting, and put forward clear requirements for the second half of the work: first, the short board market can not be ignored, stabilize the market share of traditional products, build domestic business channels, and do a good job of product expansion policy; The second is to deepen the maintenance and in-depth development of overseas market channels to ensure the realization of annual business objectives; Third, strengthen the construction of talent echelon, deepen the construction of team and enterprise culture; The fourth is to gradually improve the ability of intelligent production, strengthen the internal control mechanism, and continue to strive to improve internal information and automation. Finally, Mr. Zhu stressed that efforts should be made to transform the mode of operation, create a production and service enterprise, and create a closed-loop industrial chain. The meeting required all departments to clearly understand the gap in the second half of the work, work hard, unite as one, timely and efficiently solve various problems and difficulties encountered in the work, and strive to complete various goals and tasks throughout the year, and make new efforts for the sustainable development of Hualian Medical!

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